For us Redsuns we celebrate CNY the only way we knew how... uphill to Genting!!! xD
I just came back from Miri, just a few days missing the FC sweet throttle I was already itching to have a go... and not only that, Cloud have just started making his Clim Hazard into a touge machine^^
Cloud just installed camber adjustable screws... setting his camber to 0.5 degs and installed Bendix Metal King brake pads and Ultra Racing 3 point front strut bar^^
Finally the Clim Hazard is receiving the proper mod it needs to be a proper touge battle gear ^^
And Cloud did not just add some handling mods to his gear, but also spice it up with some Bling Bling factor xD

So we met up at our house around 11pm and prep our gears ready for the Genting trip^^
We called out Hanz to join us but it was raining cats & dogs at his place so he was rather skeptic it would be dry at the touge... but what the heck, we just move on praying for the best^^

Filling up the old Circus for the touge drive^^
Cloud lead all the way up to Genting with the Circus following behind.... its just sad these Campro engines dont have enough umph to make Genting uphill more exciting :p
alas when we reached the top it was jam packed, whether people were trying to celebrate CNY or Valentine's we have no idea... we just try to find an empty space to cool around and hang around amongst the cloud^^

Flying Circus & Clim Hazard

Redsuns Battle Gear^^

More bling bling from Clim Hazard xD

Both with a well round behind >.< We chatted around and enjoy the weather up there in the clouds and went back down around 2 am, on our way down I found myself in an exciting downhill run with a Lancer GT^^ He was tailgating me like there was no tomorrow at the bumper area and when the road was cleared a bit I let him hear the roar of a Rotary Turbo^^ Unfortunately not all good things last, I had a break failure when I had to make a hard brake approaching a camouflage bumper >.<
The brake connection at the rear left tyre burst again O.o so I had to make a slow excruciating trip back home T.T
Guess it was not all fun & adrenaline on our night of celebrating CNY xD
I guess the Circus will have to make another visit to the workshop... and also installing that new roll cage^^